007// Ariv
Basel, Switzerland
Food & Beverage, Hotel
Instantly at home.
In today‘s world, collaborative temporary living in urban spaces is more in need than ever. The vision of the new Stücki Hotel includes a co-living project that offers long stay apartments in various dimensions from Tiny Loft to Mansion to South Bow.
At the center of the living concept is togetherness. People of different age groups live together here to be creative and support each other. Within the building, this type of living combines private and shared spaces. Each resident has their own room and access to all areas such as kitchen, living room, co-working, garden, laundry room. In the social area, lives then intersect and there are constant opportunities for interaction, which can be taken according to commitment and need. The existing architecture of the old hotel rooms could not be changed much for cost reasons. Here, the height of the rooms played a major role. In order to make the apartments nevertheless spacious and comfortable, the storage space was planned just not only classically on the walls. The newly created platforms are well thought out and offer a lot of storage space. This creates a lot of space to be and feel comfortable. The apartment offers the user a place, which he can co-design according to his needs.
Gläser Wogg AG, Bodendirekt, Landenberg, Radler Raumdesign, Stamm, Caduff Stocker Lichtplanung, Perplex Plus, Rosenmund, Walo, rentsch AG, Gruner, Schwald Fenster, Rapp, Raess Frauchiger, veriset